Concussion Treatment

A concussion is described as a direct hit on a person's head, neck or face. This impact transmits a force to the brain that causes it to move forward then backward against the skull. A simple concussion can last 7 to 10 days and a complex concussion can last longer than 10 days. Every concussion is different, and the effects vary from person to person.

Health Information


Our Concussion Management program is designed to help those recovering from a concussion learn to manage their symptoms and get back to normal activities. After a comprehensive evaluation, the therapists create a personalized plan of care for each patient. Throughout the course of treatment, the therapists will be in close contact with your physician, acting as a team to ensure the smoothest recovery possible.

Post-concussive Syndrome (PCS)

Post-concussive syndrome occurs when recovery from a concussion is beyond the normal recovery window of approximately three weeks. We offer additional rehabilitation and treatment to help these patients.


Symptoms we treat include:

  • Blurred vision
  • Balance deficits
  • Cognitive Dysfunction
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Motion sensitivity
  • Neck pain
  • Vertigo

Rehabilitation for PCS

Physical Therapy

The goal of vestibular therapy for PCS is to retrain the brain to reduce concussion symptoms using exercises to challenge the vestibular system. Certified vestibular therapists are able to treat many symptoms of PCS and manage the patient's return to work, activities or sports.

Speech Therapy

Patients experiencing PCS may also demonstrate cognitive problems that affect thinking. These problems include issues with attention, processing/understanding of information, memory or the executive functioning areas of planning, organizing, reasoning, problem solving and impulse control. A speech therapist can assist with persistent lingering problems in these areas to improve function and the use of compensatory strategies.

Health Information

Our Concussion Management program is designed to help those recovering from a concussion learn to manage their symptoms and get back to normal activities. After a comprehensive evaluation, the therapists create a personalized plan of care for each patient. Throughout the course of treatment, the therapists will be in close contact with your physician, acting as a team to ensure the smoothest recovery possible.

Post-concussive Syndrome (PCS)

Post-concussive syndrome occurs when recovery from a concussion is beyond the normal recovery window of approximately three weeks. We offer additional rehabilitation and treatment to help these patients.

Symptoms we treat include:

  • Blurred vision
  • Balance deficits
  • Cognitive Dysfunction
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Motion sensitivity
  • Neck pain
  • Vertigo

Physical Therapy

The goal of vestibular therapy for PCS is to retrain the brain to reduce concussion symptoms using exercises to challenge the vestibular system. Certified vestibular therapists are able to treat many symptoms of PCS and manage the patient's return to work, activities or sports.

Speech Therapy

Patients experiencing PCS may also demonstrate cognitive problems that affect thinking. These problems include issues with attention, processing/understanding of information, memory or the executive functioning areas of planning, organizing, reasoning, problem solving and impulse control. A speech therapist can assist with persistent lingering problems in these areas to improve function and the use of compensatory strategies.