Electroencephalogram (EEG)

An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a medical test that measures and records your brain wave patterns to identify problems with the brain's electrical activity. You can have performed at our hospital.

A safe and fast way to record brain activity, the EEG results help your doctor understand how the brain is working electrically and helps spot abnormalities. A neurologist or a sleep medicine physician usually orders the test.

Health Information

What Happens During an EEG

The non-invasive, outpatient procedure does not hurt and you should be comfortable. The test takes about 30 minutes to complete.

Our technologist will ask you to lie down or sit in a chair, then attach electrodes to various places on your scalp. The electrodes connect to a piece of equipment called the EEG amplifier, which tracks and records the brain's electrical signals, then sends them to a computer where they can be analyzed.

Your doctor should give you any instructions about what is needed to prepare for your EEG.

Generally, no special preparation is needed; however, there are specialized EEG studies that may be done under different conditions. Ask your physician if any special instructions are needed to prepare for your test.

Why Is an EEG Performed?

An EEG can help your doctor diagnose and monitor seizures, observe sleep patterns and check brain function after a head trauma.

EEG is useful in diagnosing and monitoring epilepsy and other conditions that affect brainwaves.

Your doctor will talk with you about the results and answer any questions you may have.

Pediatric Electroencephalogram (EEG) 

We would like to make your child's EEG testing as comfortable and pleasant as possible. We understand that most parents wish to stay with their child during the test. We would be happy to answer any questions before or after the test.

The following information will help us do the highest quality test for your child. Only one parent will be allowed to stay with the child during the test:

  • At times, parents may be asked to stay in the waiting area during testing. This is to maintain the quality of the EEG.
  • A QUIET and DARK room is the best place for an EEG. ANY talking or movement during the test (by child or parent) can affect the quality of the test.
  • EVERY attempt will be made to place your child in a comfortable position for the testing.
  • Routine procedures performed during the EEG can include flashing (strobe) lights and breathing exercises. These can change the waveform on the EEG. Any questions about these procedures will be gladly answered BEFORE or AFTER the EEG.

The EEG technologist cannot give you test results. Only a Neurologist can read this test. You will be given the results as soon as possible.

Health Information

The non-invasive, outpatient procedure does not hurt and you should be comfortable. The test takes about 30 minutes to complete.

Our technologist will ask you to lie down or sit in a chair, then attach electrodes to various places on your scalp. The electrodes connect to a piece of equipment called the EEG amplifier, which tracks and records the brain's electrical signals, then sends them to a computer where they can be analyzed.

Your doctor should give you any instructions about what is needed to prepare for your EEG.

Generally, no special preparation is needed; however, there are specialized EEG studies that may be done under different conditions. Ask your physician if any special instructions are needed to prepare for your test.

An EEG can help your doctor diagnose and monitor seizures, observe sleep patterns and check brain function after a head trauma.

EEG is useful in diagnosing and monitoring epilepsy and other conditions that affect brainwaves.

Your doctor will talk with you about the results and answer any questions you may have.

We would like to make your child's EEG testing as comfortable and pleasant as possible. We understand that most parents wish to stay with their child during the test. We would be happy to answer any questions before or after the test.

The following information will help us do the highest quality test for your child. Only one parent will be allowed to stay with the child during the test:

  • At times, parents may be asked to stay in the waiting area during testing. This is to maintain the quality of the EEG.
  • A QUIET and DARK room is the best place for an EEG. ANY talking or movement during the test (by child or parent) can affect the quality of the test.
  • EVERY attempt will be made to place your child in a comfortable position for the testing.
  • Routine procedures performed during the EEG can include flashing (strobe) lights and breathing exercises. These can change the waveform on the EEG. Any questions about these procedures will be gladly answered BEFORE or AFTER the EEG.

The EEG technologist cannot give you test results. Only a Neurologist can read this test. You will be given the results as soon as possible.