Diabetes Education Classes
Pre-Diabetes Classes
Pre-diabetes classes are for individuals who have not yet been officially diagnosed with diabetes, but have a fasting glucose of 100 to 125. This class covers topics include the following:
Individual, one-hour appointments are available for instruction on glucose monitor use, insulin or other injectable administration, and gestational diabetes. A fee is associated with the appointment and is billed to insurance.
Inpatient Diabetes Education
For inpatients, a diabetes consult can be ordered by a nurse or physician. Consults are individualized and certified nurse educators instruct you or your family members on home glucose monitoring techniques, insulin administration, and signs and symptoms of hyper- and hypoglycemia.
Our Diabetes Services offers Adult Diabetes and Insulin Pump support groups for both patients and family members who are living with diabetes or using an insulin pump. If you are interested in joining a support group, please call Diabetes Services at 215.345.2168.
Diabetes Support Group meets
Insulin Pump Support Group meets
Diabetes Education Classes
Pre-Diabetes Classes
Pre-diabetes classes are for individuals who have not yet been officially diagnosed with diabetes, but have a fasting glucose of 100 to 125. This class covers topics include the following:
Individual, one-hour appointments are available for instruction on glucose monitor use, insulin or other injectable administration, and gestational diabetes. A fee is associated with the appointment and is billed to insurance.
Inpatient Diabetes Education
For inpatients, a diabetes consult can be ordered by a nurse or physician. Consults are individualized and certified nurse educators instruct you or your family members on home glucose monitoring techniques, insulin administration, and signs and symptoms of hyper- and hypoglycemia.
Our Diabetes Services offers Adult Diabetes and Insulin Pump support groups for both patients and family members who are living with diabetes or using an insulin pump. If you are interested in joining a support group, please call Diabetes Services at 215.345.2168.
Diabetes Support Group meets
Insulin Pump Support Group meets