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Health Articles
Showing Page 11 of 166 Results
teenage girl blowing out smoke
Our physician expert discusses the dangers of vaping in this episode of Health Matters with Doylestown Health.
main in bed staring up at ceiling
A lack of quality sleep can have short- and long-term effects, impacting judgment, mood and memory. It can also create difficulty concentrating, leaving you at risk of injury at home, work and on the road. Learn how to overcome insomnia.
man clutching chest
Does your ever heart race or feel like it has skipped a beat? While it may seem like a case of the jitters, your heart thumping could actually indicate a serious health problem known as atrial fibrillation, or AFib.
woman getting mammogram
Guidelines for breast cancer screening have recently changed. Read why regular mammograms remain the gold standard for detecting breast cancer early.
young girl reaching finish line
How young is too young to start running? Learn about how distance running affects kids and the appropriate age for kids to start.
Doctor holding mammography film
Doylestown Health offers an advanced form of digital mammography that can detect cancer at higher rates than traditional mammography alone. 3-D mammography, or breast tomosynthesis, provides certain patients with an additional option for detecting breast cancer in its earliest stages.
silhouette of father and young son walking
Men share a number of risk factors for breast cancer with women. There are risk factors unique to men, including never having been married, testicular issues, liver issues, and gynecomastia.
woman looking at information with her doctor
Our breast cancer expert weighs in on the findings of a study that raises questions about the treatment of early-stage breast cancer.
younger woman comforting older woman
Memory issues can deeply affect not only the patient, but the family who cares for them. Learn the signs of memory loss and tips for caregivers.
woman tapping 911 on her phone
Call 9-1-1 immediately if you suspect a heart attack! Doylestown Health works with local ambulance squads to help patients receive life-saving care, fast.
youth football team in play
As the fall sports season is gearing up, learn tips for parents, players and coaches to help prevent concussions in young athletes.
younger man and older man in sweats prop their legs on a wall to stretch
Doylestown Health encourages men to take proactive care of their health needs, be aware of potential concerns, and take early action to address them.